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Using the Index

All page references (subject or verse) take you to the Scripture block where the topic or verses appear and begin the related commentary section.

Subject References

As with all subject entries, the page number takes you to the general location for the topic - in this case to the Scripture block - where verses are printed that should address the topic you are looking for.  You must then continue to the commentary pages that follow to read the exposition on the verses that deal with your topic.

Example:  "Jesus, conflict with the Pharisees" will take you to a Scripture block.  You must skim down through the verses to find where this topic is quoted.  Then, advance to those verses in the commentary that follows.

Scripture Verses

In a chronologically combined edition of the Gospels, material that is common to other gospels obviously can't be presented with duplicate or triplicate quotations.  Instead, one gospel is chosen to represent this material.

This necessarily means that you may come to the index and find a page reference, but not find the verse identified at the location turned to.  This is almost always because another gospel is representing the content of the verse you are looking for.

So to find the commentary on a verse you wish to study that isn't listed at the Scripture block you are sent to, you will need to skim the Scripture block and search for topic instead.  When you see the topic for the verses you were looking for, use those verses in order to read the adjoining commentary on that topic.


Index entry for Matthew 20:24-28 is page 498.  The subject is "arguing who will sit on Christ's left and right."

Page 498 does not take you to the Scripture section that includes Matthew 20:24-28, but rather to Mark 10: 40-45 instead.  At Mark 10:41, the Scripture section addresses the topic "arguing who will sit on Christ's left and right."  Paging forward in the commentary to Mark 10:41 will reveal the exposition provided for this topic.

  • locate a verse and its page in the index
  • turn to the page and note the Scripture references in the heading
  • if missing the desired verse, browse the verses printed to find the "topic" of the verse looked for
  • page into the commentary that follows to find discussion of this verse

Some Topics Are Listed Under 'Jesus:'  or 'Teaching:'

Many topics do not have a unique reference to themselves as a subject, but will appear instead under the general headings:
Jesus, . . . .   or Teaching, . . . .  or Parables, . . .















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